The F.O.

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Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. As far as “holidays” go, it’s fairly low stress and allows you to participate as much or as little as you’d like… sort of the “fun size” vs “full bars” … Read More

Language Lessons

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Hola! Me llamo Jill, y apprendo espanol! You may be able to tell from the opening, I am learning Spanish! For the past two months, I have been hard at work on this goal. Although I am still early in … Read More

The Training Environment

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My path to being a trainer was never intentional. Through a curious set of events, I got an opportunity in college to interview a trainer. During our time together, she mentioned that she had been looking for someone to work … Read More

Embrace Iteration

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I long to be someone who can travel with only a carryon suitcase. I would swish through the airport, sailing through security, then slip my case in the overhead compartment. Once we arrived at our destination, I would sashay right … Read More

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